Darlings - I'm so glad we can get together again! It's been much too long.
The warm weather has arrived and the flowers are so beautiful.
Unfortunately, current events not so pleasant. I'm publishing this edition in black and white in sympathy with the many people who have been afflicted by man-made tribulation - so many we don't even know who they are.
Still, there's lots of news to report, especially about my new website for gay NASCAR fans - Gaytona.com - ARGE created that fabulous logo for me. Aren't you impressed. Google now ranks us the number 1 website for gay NASCAR fans*. Quite an accomplishment since the racing season is barely underway.
Please enjoy your stay at my Virtual Estate and poke around anywhere you want. That always makes me feel good.
Betty Jack Devine
 *when the search query is"gay nascar fans"

these psychedelic celebrity pictures were all created by ARGE |
BREAKING NEWSJayne County is retiring from show business. It's a shame too because her new one woman and man stage production - a presentation with music of her spellbinding autobiography Man Enough To Be A Woman - was about to be a spectacular Broadway hit. Jayne has decided to return to rural Georgia to take care of her aging parents. But is that really such a good idea, Jayne, considering what happened to your younger bother and sister. Jayne is an only child now.
Whatever happened to RuPaul?Everyone's always asking that and I have to answer that he's all over the place but those mean old people who run the entertainment industry treat him so unfairly. If you've seen that cover box for the Who Is Cletis Trout DVD, you know what I mean. But sisters are still doing it for themselves and RuPaul's presence on the internet gets raves all around. Here are 2 examples: a wonderful paragraph about RuPaul's blogmanship written by Paige Wiser in the Chicago Sun-Times and a fun game RuPaul invented that's featured on an innovative pornographic web site. I'll let you figure out which one.
Play for GayDJ Tennessee is finally getting to play for the gays again. After a turbulent sojourn of deejaying at the Paradise Club titty bar and at that cookie-cutter 80's retro disco chain Culture Club, Tennessee has hooked up with Sweetie to throw the High Life / Low Life Saturday night party at The Marquee and The Slide (356 Bowery below 4th St., NYC). As Sweetie told NEXT, "Legendery DJ Tennessee is returning to the East Village for this party; he understands the kind of high-energy, poppers-in-hand, ethyl-rag-in-back-pocket music I want." Special guest stars have already included Lipsinka, Taboo and the welcome return of Sister Dimension back to the New York cabaret stage. Guests to come - The Ones and Candis Cayne. Keep 'em huffin' and puffin Sonny Jim! (That's my pet name for Tennessee. Do you know what it's from?)
Bon Voyage Steve Lafreniere!Index Magazine authoritative writer and New York City spark plug Steve Lafreniere is off to Switzerland. Depressed by the war and America's contorted agenda, he's shutting down his New York state of mind and heading for the sophistication of the continent. After a year or more he'll return to the USA to write a book about the performance art movement in America. Steve, let's hope something like that will still be allowed here when you return.
ARGE, ARGE, ARGEEveryone in The ATL, especially many of the dealers, miss ARGE so much now that he's in Florida. He's having such a good time there, no wonder he has yet to make it to LA. His life is too colorful there for me to include anything about it here on this black and white page, so I've created this other page of ARGE's Florida Fiesta.
Click here to view ARGE's Florida Fiesta.
ARGE, once again and many times more, thank you so much for these psychedelic celebrity pictures here at my virtual estate and for designing that magnificent gaytona logo for me. I appreciate you so very much!
Causing some scenes!It's hard to believe that a wholesome home school marm like Dixie Richardson could be doing adult movies, but to Dixie it's a logical extension of her modeling career. I'm not sure if I imagined that or not. I think it's what I heard her say to Potsy Duncan on The American Music Show. To be sure, will you give it a looksee and let me know what you think.
Click Here to watch Dixie talking to Potsy Duncan on a recent American Music Show.
Start picking out your present now
Now, what about some diversions out of the ordinary:
ARGE's Polaroids of the club scene are so missed in The ATL. Reminisce and drool with 2 new video segments from ARGE's Polaroid Collection available for viewing right now on the world wide web.
Click here for ARGE's Polaroid's on Video
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