Winter's More Fun In Florida! |

Having a delightful stroll on the Boardwalk: Dixie Richardson, ARGE and me |
When it get's chilly in The ATL, it's so difficult to go out. But even when it's just 60 degrees in Florida, the beautiful sunshine invites you out the door.
This winter I'm spending more time at my new estate in Daytona Beach. I've named it Monkey Island because it's such a festive romp. The World's Most Famous Beach is always so much fun. If you'd like to find out more about it, check out our new Fun Guide to Daytona Beach for Gay and Lesbian Visitors To Florida. You'll be surprised by all the action that the DB has to offer.
You'll be surprised by this as well. ARGE has moved to North Crazyland. I know I was. In the short time he has been there he has already had an exhibition of his art work at the Marshville Public Library. There was even a picture of me and Dixie on display there. ARGE, I must give you credit - you are the championship schmoozer.
As always, please feel free to visit all over at my Virtual Estate. Make yourself completely at home.
Betty Jack

That's Dixie Richardson and myself from the actual exhibition at the Marshville Public Library |
You Go Gabe!
Hi Betty Jack,
I LOVE that stuff from the Ecletic Circus on The Nelson Sullivan Channel on The funtone USA Television Network. Priceless.
I'm wondering if you can do me a favor. I now have my own website, and because it's brand new it has not yet been noticed by search engines like google.
Apparently one of the best ways to get noticed is to get linked by other sites. So it would be really great if you could link my name to my site, like for example if you say: Gabriel Rotello is now producing an autographical movie of Cherry Vanilla...you could turn my name into a link.
Don't know if this is possible, but if so I would most appreciate it.
My website address is
By the way, I just got a note from Randy Jones that he had just seen Nelson's video of his performance of These Boots Were Made for Walking and loved it.
Thanks ever so
Gabriel - Absolutely anything for one of the most brilliant gay thinkers of today.
And speaking of that spunky Randy Jones, Jessica Simpson could use a little of his wicked pizzaz to spice up her Boots music video if you ask me

keep up with the best of the brightest at gabrielrotello.com
Helping Miss Musto
Hi Betty Jack,
I need to get a photo of Lahoma with RuPaul:
(the photo will run with Michael Musto's piece in The Village Voice).
Please send 4-5 high res jpegs (300 dpi, 5x7 size) along with the
captionsand photo credits. I'd like to receive everything by later today or
tomorrow. Thanks.
Tina Zimmer
Photo Researcher
The Village Voice
Now that I've had some time to think about it, I believe Tina wanted just that picture of Lahoma and RuPaul
Yet Tina's note was so terse, I sent her this picture on the right instead. It was taken on a Halloween Night when the girls dolled it up for an acid trip
I've not heard another word from Tina, so I don't know which photo ran. I do know, however, that all the todo concerns Lahoma's return to show business after an intermission of almost 10 years. She's co-starring in a new film with RuPaul, and I truly hope they will bring out all the talent this one.

Left to right: Larry Tee, Lizette, Michael West, RuPaul, Lurleen Wallis, Lahoma
Hot off the Grill
Former Atlanta glamour girl Barbie Q has found even more glamour in her new Big Apple home. Not only a rising star of the Off-Broadway theater scene, she's morphed a new personna too - the mysterious Varina.
In this intriguing e-mail I recently received with Varina's glamour shot attached , Barbie wrote: "Was in the States for Halloween! Sorry I missed you! Barbie Q"
I don't know what she meant, but I definitely want to know more.
Click Here To Watch one of
Barbie Q's performances during her stardom in Atlanta

the mysterious Varina
Hot Robbie
Robbie Coddington, whose newest production from the Nelson Sullivan Video Collection "We're All On The List" had it's world premiere November 19 at the Festival Mix Brasil in Sao Paulo, informed me in confidence that he is getting so much action on the Hollywood scene.
"I have a date with a porn star tonight! I went out last night
with Adam the Aussie(image attached) and Brad- the porn star- was all
over me and my long blonde locks....so tonight I'll be all over
him...I hope.
enjoy the picture!"
Well, you know what they say about Hollywood. "It's not who you know; it's who you blow."

Robbie and Adam
Check out Robbie's new prroduction:
"We're All On The List" at Festival Mix Brasil
The Queen
and Her Consort
Hey Betty Jack ,
Holly asked me to join her this past weekend on a business trip (aka-
an appearance) she was making....A theater in Hartford,CT was
premiering a new play about Warhol's relationship with his mother
(called MY ANDY) and Holly was the guest of honor. Here is a photo of
us during a free moment. It was a fab time, though I wonder how the
hell did I become a dresser and companion for Holly? Oh yeah, the she
tricked me with her DQ mind tricks and a FREE all-expenses-paid-for-
trip... That four letter word gets me almost every time.
Even after all these years people come in droves to meet her! She has
more straight fans than gay- a fact she has known for a long time. I
kept hearing people tell her things like "I lived in Boston in 1971
and drove all the way to New York City to see TRASH..." and women
saying things like "You have been such a hero and inspiration to
me". Simply amazing.

Robbie Coddington with Holly Woodlawn in Hartford, CT
Check out Robbie's latest project:
Nelson Sullivan's Fabulous Friends
From Asleep To A Wreck
Hey Betty Jack ,
Im writing asking you if you could please say a prayer and keep my friend Dmitry Brill ( aka Supa DJ Dmitry from Deee-Lite) in your thoughts.
This morning in Berlin (7/25) right after he had dropped his mother at the airport on the cab ride back home , he fell asleep in the backseat of the taxi and awoke on the highway covered in car parts and broken glass after being broadsided by a transport truck.
He is still conscious but received 6 broken ribs , a broken collar bone , broken shoulder , and lacerations to his face.
I will keep you posted on his condition as I hear more, again I just ask everyone to keep him in your thoughts , as he has always been a great friend /mentor to me.
After what happened to me 2 weeks ago, and also in light of the events that have just transpired in London & Egypt, I am reminded once again just how fragile life is and have decided I will close every conversation with "I love you" to always let all of you know just how important you are to me and what an impact your friendship has made on my life.
Call me mushy or morbid, I just wanna let it be known if its the last time I see you , that is hopefully what you will remember about our conversation and know that I truly mean it.
I love you .

Dmitry on an recent CD cover

Tennessee after his recent bashing
If you would like to send a note to DJ Dmitry, please E-mail Tennessee at tennavision@hotmail.com and he will send it on to our Supa DJ
The Award,The Pageant, and The After Party
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
Momma Dale () on Monday, June 20, 2005 at 11:17:36
comments: Hey girl congrats on the award....wink Momma here nominated your fabusite ... love you hope to get to see some of you and Dixie soon and if u every need a frock or some shoes just give momma a ring ... hugs and smooches ....
Yolanda Jenkins NOT Velma Qwen Jenkins as you have me on your site heheheheeh
I've been inspired by my crazy sister, Pinkie, to set up a Daphne blog.
The latest posting details all the intrigue at Momma Dale's wild party last
Hope y'all enjoy!
Daphne Jenkins
Daphne and Yolanda Jenkins

Momma Dale, Dixie told me she thought you had nominated me for the coveted Dragtastic Award, and I suspected she was right, and I wanted to write you a note of thanks, but I still cannot tell you Jenkins Sisters apart. Thanks you so much for the nomination. I appreciate it more everyday.
I do feel like I know more about you and your lovely sisters now that I have read Daphne's new blog about your recent soiree. However, you've got to admit there's always going to be some confusion when sisters are 12 of a kind.
Now I Really Feel Like A Queen
I could not have been more surprised, thrilled and pleased to open my recent E-mail from the Editor of Dragtastic.com and find out that I had won an award for excellence from such a glamourous drag queen community. Congratulations on your recent nomination for our website award. We are happy to announce that your site has won our award! Your site is now also listed in our official winners directory at Dragtastic.com. Our award is reviewed by multiple judges before the award is granted, so we hope you display it with pride.
The Team at Dragtastic.com
I certainly will, and I hope all of you will visit the award winners page at Dragtastic.com that features links to the wonderful websites of Lady Bunny, Charlie Brown, The Goddess Raven and so many, many more. Why, there haven't been so many fabulous drag queens in one place since Studio 54 closed its doors.
Click here to see
the amazing array
of queens
I'm keeping
company with
at Dragtastic.com
Playing Texas Hold'em - Drag Queen Style
When I received my invitation from Danny and Dana for their Vegas In Space Casino Party, I knew it would be a grand occasion for they entertain in that lavish old-school gay fashion that would make Truman Capote proud. As I like to say "there was liquor in the front and poker in the back" and the queens were all in for an evening of fun. To share the dazzle, I've written a special Signature Report that vividly tells what goes on when Drag Queens Play Texas Hold'em Poker.
Click Here For
Betty Jack DeVine's Signature Report
Drag Queens Play Texas Hold'em
Dealer, Little Blind, Big Blind
Gone - But Not Yet Blasted OffThe news was terribly sad that gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide; however, the news was not unexpected given Thompson's penchant for gun collecting and blowing things up in his Aspen, Colorado, compound.
I know so much about that because his dear friend Phoebe Legere told me many stories about Hunter during her visits with me at Periwinkle. In fact, very late one night Hunter called Phoebe - and since we were out at a nightclub very late ourselves - he left a voice recording on my answering machine that I put away and still cherish among my fondest memorabilia today.
Recently I e-mailed Phoebe offering condolences and this is her reply.
Dearest Betty Jack,
You are so totally clairvoyant because last night I was in a cab with
Kate Pierson (B52's) and Maggie Morre. We were on our way to get our hair done for the big benefit for Gods Love We Deliver (at Crobar) and we drove
right past Nelson's old house and I thought of him and how nice and beautiful he was. The benefit was great..
You must know Kate from Atlanta. She owns a motel in Woodstock, NY
That's where you should stay! Last night was very starstudded. Lots of naked boys and girls. I sang Let The Sunshine IN with a Deep Sexy Moby House beat. You would have loved it It was just like the 60's. - all produced by TWEED who do Lypskinka and lots of fun things.....
You can read about the Hunter memorial on my website:
They still haven't found a cannon but Hunter requested that I sing at
his memorial . I was so afraid I would cry during the song but somehow I
sang and all the stars were there.
I miss you terribly and PLEASE call when you come to NYC.
Love, Phoebe

Phoebe Legere
photographed by Paula Gately Tillman
Fabulous Friends To Meet At AVALANCHE That was Nelson Sullivan whom Phoebe mentioned in her e-mail, and his amazing videos will join the awesome photography of Patrick McMullan and Paula Gately Tillman in the "We Were The Eighties" show that runs at AVALANCE GALLERY in New York City from May 10 through June 6, 1005. There's no point me telling you all about this unique show as you can read all about it in the press release - if you click here, and if you do that, you can find out about the fabulous opening night party too.
I will let you know that the gifted Hollywood producer of the Fabulous Friends DVD, Robbie Coddington will be in attendence there. We miss him so much in Atlanta but must admit there are not opportunities here for someone so talented and debonaire.

That's Robbie above - relaxing in the Hollywood hills

View Nelson's videos online on
The Nelson Sullivan Channel on
The Funtone USA Telelvision Network
HAIRNET continues their over-the-top performances in that truly fun space in East Atlanta called Inner Sanctum, which is a most uninhibited place to see this always-improving band. Upcoming shows might include DeAundra Peek, Aunt Roz and maybe even me. Go over and check out the videos from HAIRNET's last show and find out when HAIRNET's next show will be.

While Magic Johnson has been retained by NASCAR to encourage diversity at NASCAR events, I have been conducting my own ad hoc effort on a volunteer basis. For example, I took my Japanese protege Keita Nishtani to the Atlanta 500 race on March 20th, much to his delight. He was on his way from Tokyo to Salt Lake City for a skiing vacation but couldn't resist a side trip to Atlanta for this stock car racing event. We stayed at Amy and AJ's trailer in the Atlanta Motor Speedway's infield and while there, Keita enjoyed an ice cold Budweiser as well as a several delicous Puckers - both beverages are quite popular with the NASCAR crowd.
I've also been doing quite a lot of outreach to the American public via the major news media. Already this year I have appeared in Entertainment Weekly, The Las Vegas Sun and The Sporting News discussing my website for gay NASCAR fans, Gaytona.com. This is what The Sporting News wrote about me - isn't it fun!
Looking for an alternative take on NASCAR? Head over to gaytona.com, the colorful, hilarious website for gay NASCAR fans. Started prior to the 2003 season by "track queen" Betty Jack DeVine, Gaytona.com charts the seasons of 10 drivers (the "DeVine 91U2") and provides race recaps throughout the year. "I hear from a good many fans who say they are straight and just like to laugh at our take on it," says DeVine. "Look, the real secret is that guys like NASCAR because it's the soap opera they're allowed to get involved with and still be straight. We're just taking that soap opera aspect and fluffing it up to another level."
Not yet a NASCAR convert? DeVine points out, "Everybody drives. You can pick up great tips for your commute watching NASCAR." --T.G.
The Las Vegas Sun article was superbly informative and amusing too. You can watch me reading it to Keita on The American Music Show if you click on the link following the Gaytona logo.
Click Here to Watch Betty Jack reading The Las Vegas Sun
Dear Betty Jack,
Dixie knows a lot of gays with crabs. Maybe you could speak with her about setting up some sort of promotion/tie-in with Gaytona.com and the good folk mentioned in the enclosed.
Hope this finds you well.
Your letter found me just fine.
As you know, that's not Dixie Richardson in the article you enclosed but Dixie Forbes of Pittsburgh, PA, who took her pet hermit crab Honeydew for a vacation trip to Bradenton Florida and won a race with it.
And, as I know, you're probably one of the gays with crabs that Dixie knows, and this is another of your cries for help.
Take this simple advice. Go to your nearest Publix and go to the Customer Service Counter and say in a loud and clear voice: "I have crabs, you know those tiny insects that infest the pubic hairs. Could you please direct me to an effective remedy that will rid these pests from my bikini area."
I'm sure your Publix will have the right product in stock, and you might even get a date out of it.
Betty Jack
ARGE's Polaroids of the club scene are still available for purchase, but he could change his mind at any minute and take them off the market. Titillate yourself with a free video preview of ARGE's Polaroid Collections featuring the music of Angela Bowie and the Fabulous Pop Tarts and massage your mind.
Click here for ARGE's Polaroid's on Video
Looking for Peg in all the wrong placesI still have not been able to track down Peg, and more and more people tell me that can't either. I even heard from one of her former beaux who's wondering too, and he is such a cutie. Peg, I know you're getting a lot wherever you are but don't forget your many friends in The ATL who miss you so very much. The song Dixie and I did for your television show continues to be one of the most popular videos playing at my Virtural Estate; and you, darling Peg, were the wind behind our sails.
Click Here to See
The Quicktime Video of
Betty Jack and Dixie on
Peg's Mouth of the South Live

Me and Peg |
Now, what about some diversions out of the ordinary:
Keep me up with what's new with you!
See lot's of videos from RuPaul, Larry Tee, La Palace de Beaute, The Pop Tarts, The Singing Peek Sisters and more at The Funtone USA Video Arcade