Happy 2005 Everyone! |
From left to right: Miss Janny Loolie, Chico, Hedda Nussbaum, that's me Betty Jack DeVine, and Crash Hotman on the accordian. In the picture window from left to right: Bettie Pam, Little ARGE, Dixie Sue and their delighted parents Dixie Richardson and ARGE
Look at us bringing holiday cheer to Dixie Richardson's family. We've just finished singing one of Dixie's favorite holiday songs, "Don't Want To Bump No More With A Big, Fat Woman" - to the delight of the whole family it seems.
I hope you had the happiest of holidays. It's not that way for everyone these days due to the terrible decisions our country continues to make. We must remain steadfast and become much more outspoken in the year to come.
I'm keeping that wonderful holiday picture up a little while longer because, as Lucy sang in what Brittany Fairchild insists is the epitome for MAME, we need a little Christmas right this very minute !
As always, please have a festive and wonderful time at my Virtual Estate.
Betty Jack
You Won't Hear This On Eyewitness News
I've mainly been spending my bar allowance at Model T's. There's always a
weird drag show going on there, but the real show is offstage. I was shocked to hear last night that Elxxa Rogers passed away. Did you know her? I thought she was really nice, and was sad to hear she's gone. Any drag performer that'll do Dusty Springfield and Petula Clark is ok in my book. They said they're doing her a covered dish memorial in March (when her son will be in town....)
I don't know if it will be as surreal as the covered dish memorial they gave
Deline Cion upon her passing last year... Now THAT's a story.. It seems that
Deline (who exclusively did Celine Dion numbers with a manic seriousness
usually reserved only for NASA space scientists) passed away just days after
erroneously being named Miss Model T 2004. The judges announced her as Miss Model T, but after placing the crown and sash on her, realized they'd tabulated the scores wrong and had to take the crown off her head and put it on Frisky Brewer. Well, Deline Cion collapsed on the floor in convulsions, an ambulance was called, and honey, she died some days later. I'm not kidding.
But it doesn't end there.
So Frisky Brewer was crowned Miss Model T 2004, but several weeks into her reign -- Frisky went missing... When we asked of her whereabouts we were told that Frisky (who has big silicone titties and cheekbone implants) had gotten her truckdriver's license and was driving a big-rig 'cross country. Well, apparantly a misunderstanding at some truckstop caused Frisky to pull a gun out of her purse and threaten a man's life in the restroom. The cops were called and Frisky was jailed in some midwestern state for attempted murder. The bartender said, "I TOLD Frisky, 'them truckers ain't gonna accept you!"
Can you believe all that? Well I guess Frisky got out of jail, because Elxxa
was staying with her when she died. They said Frisky got up one morning to
wake up Elxxa, and that's when she found her dead in bed. There's no way you could make this shit up.
And then there's Sadie Calhoun, the drunkest drag queen in Atlanta. I thought she was crippled for the longest time before I realized that, no, she's just drunk. On Halloween, she did Laura Brannigan's "Gloria, and spent the entire number trying to get the hem of her long dress uncaught from her heel. We were crying! Another drag queen had to go up on stage and help her get her dress unstuck from her heel. And I swear the second she got that taken care of, poor Sadie got tangled up in a spider web decoration they had put up on the back of the stage! (More recently, Sadie snatched the microphone away from the MC in order to sing an impromptu acapella version of "Maybe This Time" to her serial killer-ish boyfriend...)
Well, I just wanted to say hi and hopefully give you a chuckle. Send me a
line when you get a chance. Hope all's well, and I'll be keeping up with

My Darling
EMERGENCY! HURRY HEINZ HURRY! I just received the following e-mail from Jayne County:
Hi Betty Jack!!! Mama needs HORMONES!!!! Anyone know some trannies who are selling them??? My prescription ran out and my Doc. at lBellbies Hos,
in NYC moved and I have to re apply. Better I get a source down here in
Hotlanta!!! Let me know and THANKS!!! Jayne!!! PS. I am going out to
LA Thurs. I will return on Feb 10. Seeyathen!!! x0xox0xox0xo!!!
Well, I have no idea, Jayne, but stay away from the home clinics some the trannies run from their apartments in Atlanta. Their drug-safety record is abysmal. Either re-apply or secure some in progressive Europe where you're going soon.
When Jayne was visiting me in Atlanta recently, she said she'd be in London in March and in Germany in April promoting her new single, California Uber Alles - a redo of the Dead Kennedys' classic which Jayne updates to trash Arnold Schwarzenegger down into the ground; and doesn't he deserve it too. Ane what's the problem with Maria. She's so emaciated she makes her mama Eunice look like a fat pig. Please, please Maria - show some Shriver spunk like your daddy 'Sarge" and save us from that beast you're married to.

Get on her list!
Click Here For JayneCounty.com
This time he's really going somewhere You may remember set decorator extraordinaire Eric Luling from such Hollywood disasters as Ali, Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat and Terminator 3, in which the only things worthy of viewing were the fabulous sets decorated by Eric. Now, I'm told by ARGE, Eric is heading to Miami Beach to decorate the sets for the upcoming movie re-make of Miami Vice. I don't know who will be re-creating the Don Johnson role - I'm hoping Ryan Phillippe - but I do know who would be a fabulous guest star, the talented actress Sylvia Miles, a two-time Oscar nominee. Sylvia guest-starred in my all-time favorite episode of Vice in which she played a sexy socialite who tried her best to get into the pants of Don Johnson. Now wouldn't it be even hotter if that cutie Ryan were the target of her advances. Eric, please, take my advice and get Sylvia Miles in that movie ASAP; and next year that will be Oscar riding in your car on the way to Disney World.

Sylvia Miles and Don Johnson in the best-ever episode of Miami Vice
that's Eric Luling at the wheel
with passenger DJ Brett Long 
Chrismukkah or Heidimas or Does Anybody Care? I adore the O.C., and if you haven't watched it yet, I recommend you tune in (8pm Thursdays on FOX). For Christmas 2003, that show introduced the holiday synthesis Chrismukkah, a concept created by that adorable Seth Cohen. And - can you believe it - in only one year since then, Chrismukkah is all over the media thanks to the pervasive flacks at FOX. Even Seth joked about it on a recent O.C. wondering "has Chrismukkah already become too commercial."
Some say Heidimas could have become equally popular had certain cast members of The American Music Show been less derisive and more pro-actively supportive of Heidimas. What is evident is that Heidimas is not acceptable for everyone.
If you'd like to decide for yourself, HelloHeidi is presenting The Sounds of Heidimas right now on The American Music Show Channel.

Click Here For The Sounds of Heidimas

The New Museum in New York City is presenting a much-acclaimed exhibit "East Village USA" through March 20, 2005. If you're in The City, please take time to experience this fabulous collection of art that includes "My Life In Video by Nelson Sullivan". It is being continuously looped during the entire exhibition to show patrons the artistic influences aflame in the East Village during the 1980's.
This piece was produced by my darling protogee Robbie Coddington who traveled from his home in Hollywood all the way to New York for the spectacular opening night party December 8. To make a grand occasion even grander, he enticed glamourous superstar Holly Woodlawn to be his date for the evening. That picture of Holly and Robbie was taken at the gala affair.
Robbie is about to release a new DVD of Nelson's videos entitled Nelson Sullivan's New York Way Out Fun Party featuring a variety of entertainments from 1980s NYC and an introduction to those party-crazed Club Kids. You can find out more by visiting the Nelson Sullivan Channel on The Funtone USA Television Network.
Click Here for The Nelson Sullivan Channel
HAIRNET is doing it over-the-top in a great new space in East Atlanta called Inner Sanctum. It's a former church with a Sunday School that has been deconsecrated and re-decorated with disco lights and cute little tables, and it's a truly fun place to see this much-improved band. Upcoming shows will include DeAundra Peek, Aunt Roz and maybe even Crash Hotman. Go over and heck out the videos from HAIRNET's last show.

Can you believe it - all those gays at a NASCAR race. Yes, it's true. That's David Goldman, Dick Richards and Janny Smith atop Amy and AJ's trailer at Turn 2 of The Atlanta Motor Speedway at the Golden Corral 500.
How do I know these things. Why I'm Betty Jack DeVine of the world-famous Gaytona.com internet website that covers the NASCAR races for all the queens and the people who love them. The 2005 season begins soon and I'll be announcing my new DeVine 9 1/2 Racing Team - 12 drivers who are the fastest and the hottest - just like you like them.
Click Here for Gaytona.com.
WHERE SHE'S ATI still haven't seen Peg in ages and I miss her more than ever. Her top-rated cable program has gone away, and I am wondering about that too. Whether near or far, Peg, your warm and loving personality radiates happiness, and I certainly hope we'll get to party together again soon. Until then, everyone enjoy this video from when Dixie and I were Peg's guest stars on Mouth of The South at The Metro. We did Liza Minnelli's Losin My Mind ,and we nearly did as you can see.
Click Here to See
The Quicktime Video of
Betty Jack and Dixie on
Peg's Mouth of the South Live

Me and Peg |
Now, what about some diversions out of the ordinary:
ARGE's Polaroids of the club scene are still available for purchase. Titillate yourself with a free video preview of ARGE's Polaroid Collection featuring the music of Angela Bowie and massage your mind.
Click here for ARGE's Polaroid's on Video
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Keep me up with what's new with you!
See lot's of videos from RuPaul, Larry Tee, La Palace de Beaute, The Pop Tarts, The Singing Peek Sisters and more at The Funtone USA Video Arcade