Darlings - It's been too long. Let's catch up.
Getting it out of the way right up front, I was terribly disappointed by the negative media onslaught that did in Dr. Howard Dean. He added so much excitment and insight and got the Democrats all stirred up. Fortunately, John Kerry and John Edwards are excellent contenders worthy of our enthusiastic support. Give it now.
Rosie O'Donnel said it right: "I think the actions of the president are, in my opinion, the most vile and hateful words ever spoken by a sitting president. I am stunned and I'm horrified." Thank you Rosie. It is vital to put that man out.
In my spare time I'm indirectly counseling the NASCAR dads with my fun website for gay NASCAR fans. After visiting here, do stop by Gaytona.com and learn about something different.
But, before you leave, I've more to tell you and some brand new videos to watch.
Please enjoy your stay at my Virtual Estate and make yourself totally at home.
Betty Jack Devine
 Spring is so georgeous - bring it on.
BACK FROM THEIR BREAKSOn a dark and gloomy Sunday afternoon in Atlanta, the atmosphere at Periwinkle brighted immediately when RuPaul arrived for a surprise call. He was dashing through The ATL with his dashing ex- and currently intimate friend George LeBar. George's paintings were on exhibition at the Momas Gallery, and they were here for the opening night party. (George's artistry is exhibited online at this address www.lebarart.com) In between tee-heeing and hooting at the video of Troy Perry's play Diary of a Mad Black Woman, RuPaul said his creativity is starting to rumble and we can all expect some more top shelf fierceness coming soon. I, for one, would like Barbra Streisand to reconsider and cast RuPaul as Mame in the television spectacular she's producing. Cher would be good but she's too involved with her perpetual concert tour to have adequate time.
RuPaul also mentioned that he spent New Year's Eve 2004 with Jon Witherspoon and I thinks some of Ru's rumblings must have shaken Lahoma up because right before RuPaul's visit I had spoken with Jon who had called from his office at Parade magazine overlooking Park Avenue. I had heard over and over from various sources that Lahoma was gone forever, the victim of a fire. Alarmist hysteria that turned out to be for Jon informed me that Lahoma has been in "remission" and could be again making public appearances and working in show business at any time in the future. What wonderful news to hear from these 2 fabulous personalities. Celebrate!

I have been saving this cute Lahoma button for quite a while, hoping a joyous occasion like this would arrive.
Bye Bye Love
I am saddened to report that our adorable Sugarbaby has passed on after only a short time on earth
She was a delight to everyone and a mischievous elf always in search of a good time.
There's a darling little tribute to her that's showing on The American Music Show Channel, a fun mix of some of her terrific performances from cable television. Enjoy the wonderful memories Sugarbaby left behind.
Click Here For The Tribute to Sugarbaby

Jayne County's So New York CD is in stores now (Jayne is accompanied by guitar virtuoso and glamour tranny Lisa Jackson). "Max's Kansas City", its 1st track, is an instant classic. Jayne is sweet jane, rolling with the celebrities lounging downstairs while the New York Dolls are rocking the rafters up top. It's history and it's today. As DJ Tennessee tipped me off, get Jayne's CD now for a preview of what David Bowie next CD will be.
Our fabulous Pop Tarts Randy and Fenton's major motion picture Party Monster is availble on DVD. It's gotten some extreme reactions from the critics but has attacted many fans who, I hope, have been able to look beyond the stark ending to see the joy and hope that ignited the scene. The Pop Tarts have also released the Party Monster Shockumentary on a separate DVD that also includes the bonus presentation of their Channel 4 Special, Nelson Sullivan's World of Wonder. Nelson's catalytic connection to the Club Kids and their inspirations are apparent in his videos. Our new artist-in-residence Robbie Coddington has incorporated some into a wonderful new documentary that is almost like being there. I'm going to tell you more about that next. 
The Pop Tarts -photo by Paula Gately Tillman |

That's Robbie Coddington on the left. The debonair producer of the new documentary Nelson Sullivan's Legends of New York. It's a narrative documentary that uses the videos themselves to tell the story of yesterday without all those talking heads of now who often get in the way of the story.
The subject is Lady Bunny's Wigstock Festival and the object is the ensemble of talents that coalesced into a legendary event. Nelson's videos have been acclaimed across Europe for their masterful style and sensitivity. Another television special about Nelson and his videos of 1980s NYC is in currently in planning for a consortium of European stations. America could certainly benefit by tuning in to Europe's cultural awareness.
You can find out more about Robbie's Legends by visiting the Nelson Sullivan Channel - it's one of my sister channels on the Funtone USA Television Network. There, you can view quicktime clips from the Legends DVD and order your own copy online quite easily. I recommend it to the max.
Click Here for The Nelson Sullivan Channel and Legends of New York
GETTING READY FOR HOLLYWOOD Trina Saxxon is getting a complete makeover in preparation for her Hollywood screen test. Thanks to bettyjack.com's prominent placement in Googleland, an ingenious young producer was able to contact Trina by contacting me and now she's in the running to be one of the 4 drag queens in a drag queen reality television show.
The show will filmed in a party bus taking the drag queens from town to town and placing them in interesting situations. I hope in one episode Trina will take the wheel and drive them around the South - to Charlotte in North Crazyland. That would be terrifying - a sure ratings success. If you work at an advertising agency, be sure to buy some spots on this new show as Trina always scores bigtime.
In the picture on the right Trina is either repairing her deviated septum or making sure all the stuff up there stays in. Definitely a win/win situation.
It is a public fact that Boompa Bailey and I don't particularly get along that well. Yet, HAIRNET has him back in front for another of their rock-out shows, and I'm glad because that way I can be entertained by Boompa's antics on the stage and have plenty of time to run away if I see him shuffling toward my table (he's as slow as Christmas).
PLAY ON PLAYER DJ Tennessee is still spinning at Therapy and this is the announcement he sent: "Every Wednesday join me @ Therapy for Cattle Call! I began DJ@ 8:30pm showtime @ 11:00pm . Sign up and compete for a $100 cash prize where the Paula Abdul - Simon Cowell audience picks the winner! See you soon! Therapy 352 W. 52nd St. (bet. 8th & 9th)"
Click Here for DJ Tennessee's Total Information Page.
WHERE SHE DONE GONE TOI haven't seen Peg in ages and I miss her so much. Her top-rated cable program has been showing repeats and I wondered about that too. But I ran into her former stage manager Amelia at one of the better grocery stores the other day and she told me that Peg has become a roving reporter. Amelia didn't know when Peg would be back with new roving reporter show but sooner rather than later suits me. Until then, please enjoy this video from when Dixie and I were Peg's guest stars on Mouth of The South at The Metro. We did Liza Minnelli's Losin My Mind ,and we nearly did as you can see.
Click Here to See
The Quicktime Video of
Betty Jack and Dixie on
Peg's Mouth of the South Live

Me and Peg |
Now, what about some diversions out of the ordinary:
ARGE's Polaroids of the club scene are still available for purchase. Titillate yourself with a free video preview of ARGE's Polaroid Collection featuring the music of Angela Bowie and massage your mind.
Click here for ARGE's Polaroid's on Video
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What's up with you? Please let me know!
See lot's of videos from RuPaul, Larry Tee, La Palace de Beaute, The Pop Tarts, The Singing Peek Sisters and more at The Funtone USA Video Arcade